AsateacherIplantodoboth,toteachandtoeducate.Afterviewingthevideo,Iwastryingtounderstandthedifferenceinthetwo.Iwillteachstudentstheimportance of learning.Ithinkthatteachingisveryimportant,whenitcomestoteachingstudentshowtoread andhowtosolvesimplemathproblems.Teachingastudenttoreadtakestimeandisn'tsomethingthatyoucanjustgivethemthetoolstofigureout.Aftermystudentshavemasteredthebasics,then,Iwilleducatethemonusingthelatesttechnologyblogs.SoasateacherIdon'tthinkyoucandoonewithouttheotherandbesuccessful.
IenjoyedreadingTomJohnson'spostDon'tLetThemtakethePencilsHome.Tomhasasarcasticwayofshowingjusthowpassionateheisaboutteaching.IwaschosentocommentononeofhispostforC4T,atfirstIwasalittleconfused,butafterreadingitacoupleoftimeshehadmecaughtupinenjoyment.Inthispost,Tomwasfocusedmoreonthesolutionthantheproblem.Hewantedtogivethestudentsachancetodowhatever they wantedwiththepencils.Tomisalsoshowingthathetrustshisstudents,becauseaftertalkingtothestudentsandtheparents,hebelievedthattherewasnoneedtoholdthemaccountableforwhattheydidathome.Gertrudewasbiastothestudentstakingthepencilshome,becauseofsomethingthatwasread,statingthatpencilswilllowertestscoresforstudents.
Ithinkyoucanlookattheposttwodifferentwaysasentertainmentandeducational.MostpeoplethinkthatTomJohnsonpostassimplyentertainment,becauseofthewaytheyareworded.Ithinkthechoicesofwordsareusedtogetthereader'sattention.Thepostsarefunny,butinformative.Idon'tbelievethatpencilswilllowerastudent'stestsscores,butifyouchangetheobjectfrombeingapenciltoacellphone,thenmaybetheargumentwouldn'tbefunny.Ithinkthepostisnotjustaboutpencils,atthismomentlikemostofhispost, ithasahiddenmeaning. Hewantsnot to just focus on the problems, but find a solution for the problems.
I enjoyed reading your blog post on the assignments. In your Do You teach or Educate summary, I think you made a valid point. "So as a teacher I don't think you can do one without the other and be successful." I agree, as a teacher they should go hand and hand.
In your second post, Don't Let them Take the Pencils Home, you did a great job summarizing Mr. Johnson's story and message. You stated, "I think you can look at the post two different ways as entertainment and educational." I look at in a way where as the discussion was about pencils, but I do feel that he could have very well been referring to computers and technology.
You did not understand that Johnson's (Spencer's) commentary was an extended metaphor or allegory in which pencils were computers. Reread the post with that in mind.
Hello Cedric,
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed reading your blog post on the assignments. In your Do You teach or Educate summary, I think you made a valid point. "So as a teacher I don't think you can do one without the other and be successful." I agree, as a teacher they should go hand and hand.
In your second post, Don't Let them Take the Pencils Home, you did a great job summarizing Mr. Johnson's story and message. You stated, "I think you can look at the post two different ways as entertainment and educational." I look at in a way where as the discussion was about pencils, but I do feel that he could have very well been referring to computers and technology.
Keep Up the great work!
You did not understand that Johnson's (Spencer's) commentary was an extended metaphor or allegory in which pencils were computers. Reread the post with that in mind.